Attendance: George Heeren, Amy Hall-Haney, Gaylon Heetland, Henrietta Mueller, Denise Klemp, Marlene Hunt, Annette Lorenz, Chief Greg Smith, Jeff Wozencraft
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - September balance ended in the amount of $2,222.42. We made a $250 deposit for the check from Freedom Foundation for their contribution to the Local Business Directory. We have a pending reimbursement of $436.12 for remaining safety fair expenses. Amy is submitting and will be following up on this with Jeff. Waiting on $250 contribution from Thrivent Financial/Gaylon Heetland and $250 from HyVee for Local Business Directory as well. In total, the Local Business Directory has brought in $750 for CANA this year. Nicole Schroeder (not in attendance) has been updating the website for that and including sponsors at the $250 tier in our email blasts.
- CRPD/SAFE-CR Update - Annette Lorenz - Review of CRPD report.
- George Heeren inquired about police action at 118 17th St SW. There was an interaction with a young man and woman with seven squad cars on the scene.
- CRFD Update - Chief Smith - Review of Neighborhood News. Discussion of Fire Safety Week. Nicole Schroeder added information to the CANA website and did a Facebook blast to share information on the CRFD Open House and Red Cross fire alarm program. Information can be found on our website.
- City Update - Jeff Wozencraft - City is seeking feedback from neighbors regarding community gardens in public parks. Link to the survey online can be found on our website. The City is also still recruiting volunteers for the Snow Buddies program. It helps if volunteers can live close to the person needing the snow removed. The Parks Department has a list of to-do items for Cleveland Park, but most items will be accomplished in the spring. They have measured around the splash pad for the additional concrete. The discussion of adding parking to Cleveland Park is still in motion. The bathrooms are now closed for the winter at the Cleveland Park Pavilion.
- George Heeren inquired again about adding barbecue stands to the park. Jeff Wozencraft will be looking into this as previously discussed.
- Quarterly Postcard Campaign - George Heeren - Nicole Schroeder got a quote from Allegra for postcards. The quote for black/white postcards in 5x7 size NOT including postage will be $365.89 and the quote for color postcards in 5x7 size NOT including postage will be $479.56. This is a quote for 900 postcards per mailer.
- Denise Klemp asked if CANA will be deciding as a group what information is going to be provided on the postcards. This has been discussed before that it will be a group decision and George Heeren confirmed that for her.
- Gaylon Heetland motioned to spend CANA funds on the color 5x7 postcards plus postage in our quarterly postcard campaign. Amy Hall-Haney seconded. No discussion. Motion passed. George Heeren and Amy Hall-Haney will let Nicole Schroeder know that is the decision and we can move forward on design and information for our January mailer.
- Halloween - George Heeren - Citywide trick-or-treating will be on Monday, October 31st beginning at 5:30pm until 8pm. This is not a city sponsored event. Hillside Wesleyan is hosting an event on Wednesday 10/26 at 6pm. Central Church of Christ is hosting a trunk-or-treat from 3-4:30pm on Saturday 10/30. Review Halloween safety information.
- Light The Neighborhood - George Heeren - Waiting on reply from McDonald’s and Kwik Star on requested donations. Responses are going to be back to us by November 15th. Amy Hall-Haney will be working with Nicole Schroeder to get the postcards ordered, mailed, and paid for.
- George made a motion to spend up to $200 on prizes, if donations cannot be secured, in addition to spending money on the postcards from Allegra to launch Light the Neighborhood in mid-November through mid-December. Gaylon Heetland seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion passed. George will work with Nicole to get things prepared for the event.
- Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, November 21st, 2022 at 7:00pm
PLAN AHEAD: There will be NO December meeting. We will resume normally scheduled CANA meetings in January.