Attendance: Nicole Schroeder, Amy Hall-Haney, Matt Wagner, Lt. Matt Welsh, George Heeren, Betsy Borchardt, Denise Klemp, Chief Greg Smith
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - Current balance is $3,158. We are still waiting on payment from HyVee for their CANA Connect sponsorship ($250). We have pending expenses for our postcards in Q1 ($600) and the Easter Egg Hunt with Central Church of Christ.
- CRPD Update - Lt. Welsh - Overall, the neighborhood is doing a great job! The big thing in this area is that there have been no burglaries yet in 2023 in CANA limits. News from CRPD includes 14-15 pending hires. Remember to keep valuables in your home, not in your car. CRPD is currently having issues in local grocery stores where wallets and purses in carts while shopping are being stolen. Be aware of your surroundings and secure your personal belongings while shopping. Be sure to report suspicious activity to store management.
CRFD Update - Chief Smith - George Heeren asked about the semi sitting on top of a car in the station. Chief Smith explained that they are doing some extraction training, not sure when it’s happening for sure. Winter training is limited, due to weather, so spring and summer is when most training is happening. CRFD has job offers out to seven individuals that will start on May 1st. Summer hiring will begin in July, due to pending retirements. CRFD hiring goes in cycles. Reminder to change batteries and test carbon monoxide detectors. CRFD is hosting tabletop exercises with fire/disaster scenarios.
- Denise Klemp asked about Neighborhood P.A.C.T. program continuing in 2023. Chief Smith will check into that. Denise said she’s talking about the in-person trainings that CRFD hosted pre-COVID. Sydney is the point of contact for that, and she will be out on maternity leave soon. That program may not be coming back for a while, but it’s likely in the future.
- Denise Klemp asked about Neighborhood P.A.C.T. program continuing in 2023. Chief Smith will check into that. Denise said she’s talking about the in-person trainings that CRFD hosted pre-COVID. Sydney is the point of contact for that, and she will be out on maternity leave soon. That program may not be coming back for a while, but it’s likely in the future.
City Update - Update from Nicole Schroeder on behalf of Ashley Vanorny - The City’s Community Climate Action Plan is seeking artists for a rain art project. Artists will design temporary creations on sidewalks with environmentally friendly, rain-activated invisible spray. The deadline is set for April 2nd. Information has been added to the CANA website. Additionally, the City is seeking applications for current and upcoming vacancies on many City of Cedar Rapids boards, commissions, and advisory committees. Applications are due April 30th. This information was in our CANA email reminder, and it will be included again in our email tonight.
- George Heeren shared the City Parks and Recreation Department is hiring. Information is provided on the website.
- Betsy Borchardt is in attendance tonight as Jeff was unable to join us. She is most excited about a feasibility study beginning on an intergenerational recreation center.
- Matt Wagner shared that SAFE-CR has taken 200 nuisance calls and received 10 nuisance abatement plans already in 2023. This is an improvement over 2022 as only 18 total plans were submitted. Most common calls are disturbing the peace and barking dogs. It’s important to call non-emergency police to report these issues so they are documented and issues are handled in a proper manner.
- George Heeren asked about 15th St to Rockford Rd SW work. We will inquire with Jeff Wozencraft about this as both ends of that section have been replaced.
- George Heeren shared the City Parks and Recreation Department is hiring. Information is provided on the website.
- Community Safety & Wellness Fair 2023 - George Heeren - We are shooting for early July 2023. Official date TBD. We are trying to separate the date from National Night Out better this summer. Planning committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 28th at 6pm at Central Church of Christ (upstairs). George Heeren will be connecting with Susan Johnston to make sure she is still interested in being involved.
- Quarterly Postcard Campaign - Nicole Schroeder - Review of draft. Waiting on approval from CRFD. Got approval from Trees Forever. No reply from Neighborhood Finance Corporation. These will be proofread and submitted for print by the end of March for mailing the first week in April.
Other Business
- Denise Klemp - Trees Forever is seeking tree captains. “Neighborhood Tree Captains will be awarded 50 trees to distribute throughout their neighborhood. A Captain’s job is to spread the word about the opportunity to receive high-quality trees, free of cost. The Trees Forever ReLeaf team will work with Captains on logistics, advertising and planting day support. You don’t need to be a tree expert to be a Neighborhood Tree Captain! We are looking for applicants who are enthusiastic about environmental stewardship and willing to reach out to their neighbors.” Deadline for applications is May 1st. More information is available online:
Easter Egg Hunt - Central Church of Christ is scheduling the Easter Egg Hunt for Saturday, April 8th at 10am at Cleveland Park. Rain or shine! Eggs will be numbered 1-12 and traded in for prizes. Age groups will be 0-4, kindergarten-2nd, and 3rd-5th grade. The church is organizing most of this and contributing financially as well as majority volunteers. CANA will be contributing in 2023 as we planned in 2020 when the hunt was canceled. Volunteers from CANA are requested. Denise, George, and Cathy will be able to assist.
- Amy Hall-Haney made a motion to spend up to $700 of CANA funds to contribute to the hunt. Denise Klemp seconds the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries. Amy will spend up to $700 on treat bags and candy for the event.
- Amy Hall-Haney made a motion to spend up to $700 of CANA funds to contribute to the hunt. Denise Klemp seconds the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries. Amy will spend up to $700 on treat bags and candy for the event.
- Neighborhood Clean-Up Day - April 15th from 10am to 12pm. We will meet at Cleveland Park Pavilion and bags will be provided by CANA/City.
- Denise Klemp asked about the yardy carts being separated from the trash. In the winter months, the yardy carts are being tossed in the trash. She is curious about the policy and when trucks are picking up yardy carts separately. We will ask Jeff Wozencraft about this and get the right information from the City.
- Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival is scheduled for April 14-16 at Collins Road Theatres.
- George Heeren shared that Nicole Schroeder was recognized as a KCRG 9 Who Care in 2023. Photos are shared on our CANA Facebook page from the awards banquet. It was a lovely evening. The Jefferson Award winners that are going to Washington, DC are from the Monticello area. They volunteer heavily at Camp Courageous and travel the United States to provide disaster relief in their RV.
- Denise Klemp - Trees Forever is seeking tree captains. “Neighborhood Tree Captains will be awarded 50 trees to distribute throughout their neighborhood. A Captain’s job is to spread the word about the opportunity to receive high-quality trees, free of cost. The Trees Forever ReLeaf team will work with Captains on logistics, advertising and planting day support. You don’t need to be a tree expert to be a Neighborhood Tree Captain! We are looking for applicants who are enthusiastic about environmental stewardship and willing to reach out to their neighbors.” Deadline for applications is May 1st. More information is available online:
Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm
Next Meeting: Monday, April 17th, 2023 at 7:00pm - NO LIVE STREAM OF THIS MEETING