Attendance: Scott Olson, Donna Anderson, Rose Heetland, Matt Welsh, George Heeren, Jessica English, Gaylon Heetland, Matt Wagner, Denise Klemp, Betsy Borchardt, Noah Zeker, Amy Hall-Haney
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - Account balance as of 8/31/23 is $3,116.80. Just received reimbursement for National Night Out Expenses on 9/11/23 for $368.75. Current balance is $3,485.55 with latest deposit. No other incoming payments or outgoing expenses at this time until taxes are finalized with St. John and Gielau in October/November.
- CRPD Update - Lt. Welsh - CRPD is seeking input for newchief. CRPD has 15 new recruits. 25 stolen guns this year. Lt. Welsh provided report for review.
- City Councilmember - Scott Olson - Introduction. Review of market statistics. Review of National Standings for CR.
- Discussion of Paving for Progress updates in CANA limits, including sidewalks.
- Eastside of CR flood wall will be in done in 2026
- Westside of CR flood wall will be done in 2023-2024
- City Update - Betsy Borchardt - Review of Neighborhood News. Discussion of MyCR app and how to report to the correct departments. Fall fire safety review, including using proper wood in fire pits (no lumber, painted wood, etc.) for safest fires.
- Greenway Parks Plan & Westside Library Park Project - Review Greenway Parks plan. Input is requested at City is also eeking input on the Westside Library Park on 9/27/23 at Ladd Library from 4:30-6:30pm. View full map and information is available at
- Park Updates - George Heeren - New concrete is going in within the next few weeks. Expected to be done by end of October of mid-November, depending on weather. Photos will be shared on CANA Facebook with updates as they are available.
- HyVee “Dog Days of Summer” Recap - George Heeren
- October “Fall Festival” - George Heeren
- Tentatively Saturday 10/28 from 3-5pm at Cleveland Park
- Interested in partnering with HyVee for food/snack/beverage donation
- Minimum 10 cars for trunk-or-treat, maybe a cookie walk or other activities, like coloring and crafts or outdoor games in the park
- Hillside Church and Christ Church are interested in partnering. Central Church is TBD.
- George Heeren moved for a motion for $500 budget, Amy Hall-Haney seconded.
- All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried for $500 budget to spend on fall festival.
Next Meeting: Monday, October 16th, 2023 at 7:00pm