Attendance: Henrietta Mueller, Rose Heetland, Nicole Schroeder, Denise Klemp, Jeff Wozencraft, Sheryl Ochs, George Heeren, Sue Graham, Lt. Matt Welsh, Ashley Vanorny
- City Report - Jeff Wozencraft: Review of Neighborhood News as CRFD was not in attendance. 60% of tree debris has been picked up on the first round. Jeff asked if there were any concerns that needed to be addressed, derecho related or otherwise. Nicole Schroeder asked about SAFE-CR duties as they may have shifted since the derecho. Jeff commented that there have been no changes to SAFE-CR’s focus. Sue Graham inquired to an update on the multi-plex rental home at the bottom of the Jefferson hill on Chandler St/10th Ave SW that had been damaged in the 2018 fire. Nicole will follow up with Annette on this.
- CRFD Report - Chief Smith: No report - not in attendance
- CRPD Report - Lt. Matt Welsh: Review of police report / calls for service since August 1st. Theft from vehicles and break-ins have increased, due to derecho aftermath. Reminder of Cedar Rapids mask mandate.
- City Council Report - Ashley Vanorny: Discussion of how neighbors were helping neighbors during derecho clean up. Ashley shared details on how the City worked with utility companies to coordinate efforts to get power and internet back. Internet is still being updated in our area. George Heeren commented about Mediacom or ImOn having poles and cables down on 17th St SW. Ashley and Jeff will take those concerns back to the utility reps, but also encouraged neighbors to submit information to companies directly. Review of current community resources. City Council meetings are indefinitely being held on Zoom vs. in-person. Reminder of indefinite burn ban in Cedar Rapids, per CRFD. George Heeren reported street light concerns as many are not operable in our neighborhood. Ashley and Jeff will be taking those concerns back to City as well.
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney: Taxes complete! Current bank balance as of 8/31 is $808.88 with pending reimbursements from City of CR, including payment for tax prep. Amy took over all material treasurer items from Nicole today. We are still struggling to get Collins Community Credit Union to set up online banking. Nicole and Amy are displeased with their handling of this request. The original request to set up online banking was made back in July with no success after 5 attempts so far to get this resolved.
- Students go back to school today! Cleveland Elementary has new pick up and drop off information for families on their Facebook page. Jefferson High School is all virtual learning until building repairs are complete. Cleveland Elementary is seeking donations of paper towels, disinfecting wipes, and disposable masks, if anyone is able to help. Donations can be dropped off at the school or shipped directly there.
- Releaf Program: The City of Cedar Rapids and Trees Forever have teamed up to focus on fundraising efforts to plant new trees across our city in the coming years. The City estimates that we have lost about 65% of our tree canopy. The two organizations are planning to work together to replenish the downed and damaged trees with a multimillion dollar fundraising campaign.
- Debris pick up information: "The city has been mapped out into zones, and crews are working their way through the entire city, zone-by-zone, picking up as much debris as they can when they get to each street. Residents can see a map of which zones are underway on our website. It may take several days to clear each zone, depending on the volume of debris. Every street will be reached at least two times for tree debris removal. In the early days of the disaster, we focused on clearing debris off roads to make them passable, using snow routes as a guide. Our current efforts are focused on picking up curb-side debris." Sue Graham had mentioned that there are concerns with the debris piles on the corner of 13th / 18th St near the Jefferson gymnasium entrance. The piles are very large and high and that intersection is already dangerous with the hill. Jeff will be reporting back that area of concern to the City. Ashley mentioned that it will be up to neighbors not to replenish the debris pile there once it is cleared as the city cannot come back again and again to clean up the same area.
- Right of Way Trees: Reporting damage is only. Surveyors will be out in the coming weeks. Ashley Vanorney will report additional information on this as it becomes available.
- Veterans Memorial Stadium and Cedar Rapids Ice Arena are undergoing major repairs from the derecho. The RoughRiders have CANCELLED their 2020-2021 season. Kernels will be announcing repair information soon on their stadium.
- Neighborhood signs project - Nicole Schroeder: Nicole mentioned that our Facebook page and website have seen increased engagement since the derecho. She would like to continue to encourage neighbors to use our online tools as a resource and potentially attend meetings. She proposed that we spend up to $120 on 10 signs to be printed and put around the neighborhood with our Facebook and website on them. Sue Graham asked where we would specifically put the signs. Nicole shared that she was thinking put out 5 or 6 to start near the Jefferson entrance, Cleveland Park, Central Church of Christ, HyVee, Cleveland Elementary, then we could add signs other places as we need to replenish them. Rose Heetland asked why we would need to spend the money right now on this as it’s expected for neighbors to naturally share about our meetings and information in-person. Nicole shared that many neighbors with young families are engaged online, but choose not to attend meetings or engage with their neighbors regularly. Encouraging neighbors to connect online may drive them to attend meetings or events we host and increase our visibility more than we have in past years. Nicole also mentioned that this is a low cost opportunity to advertise who CANA is and we are not spending much money on anything else this year. Nicole motioned to make this purchase, Amy Hall-Haney seconded. Nicole will design and order 10 signs to start.
- Central Church Trunk-or-Treat - Update / information from Amy Hall-Haney is that the event is still pending. The church is trying to decide if there is a safe way to do it.
- Other programs and projects on hold until COVID-19 pandemic restrictions improve.
- Park improvements on hold until derecho clean up has progressed.
- New fundraising ideas for 2020-2021 are welcome as all fundraising events have been cancelled so far, due to COVID-19.
NOTE: We anticipate being back to our regular monthly meetings at Central Church of Christ beginning next month. We ask that those attending wear masks and observe social distancing as best as possible. Thank you!
Cleveland Park Clean Up Update from Scott Hock:
Cleveland update- safety concerns (hangers) have been removed from Cleveland and the park is open. We hope to have a bid out this week to get a contractor in place to start the overall clean-up process. We have over 60 parks on this list so we don't have a schedule yet. We anticipate it will take several months to get through all the parks.
2101 Chandler St SW Multi-Plex Update from Kevin Ciabatti:
According to permit records, they are moving forward, albeit slowly. Permits are good for a year, and if making any progress, can be extended.
* Fire February 2019
*Sold to Abel Investments 6/17/19
*Nuisance case closed September 2019, as there was a new owner and permits were in process of obtained.
*Demolition Reserve released October 2019 to owner@ time of fire
o Rough-in Framing partial passed 1/8/20 for floor joists only
*Electrical Permit issued 1/13/20
o Service Entrance passed 1/20/20
*Plumbing Permit issued 6/17/20
o No inspections