Cleveland Elementary
- Call to order
- Treasurer’s Report - $266.28 – Pending reimbursement of approximately $300 for mulch and mulch. Review of inventory of items, reimbursements.
- Lt. Tobey Harrison calls for service CRPD
- Fire Chief Mark English – City update – Introduction of him to our neighborhood. Brief overview of department 9 stations, 143 sworn firefighters, equipment and technology. He hopes to grow as the face to the city with us as he serves as the liason
- Alyssa M. Williams, Housing Program Specialist, Community Development presentation on Lead Hazard Grant from Linn County
- Nicole Novak – Festival of Trees opportunity-Cedar Rapids Jaycees club secretary. They have taken over the Festival trees after 2008 from St. Luke’s and in 2012 restarted program. 2014 partnership with Gazette has helped with development of event growing the event to activities and the trees. Money this year the went to veterans organizations as well as animal funds. This year’s proceeds will be going to various children’s funds, hacap, toys for tots, shoes for kids (Marion rotary club) and Deadline is October 1st for sign up if CANA is interested.
- Nic Roberts – information on social media presence and website development.
Discussion of Facebook Page, currently have a page and may need to redo this and update as having issues accessing, will work on this. Discussion of Instagram as well
Volunteer by Nicole Novak to help with the administration of such,
- George Heeren – Year in Review
- Shannon Keller – Cleveland Park parking lot- Not covered at meeting, noted that limestones barriers have been put into place in the park by the parks department to prevent parking on the grass.
- Shannon Keller - Paint the Town Blue event and activities for CRPD
- Shannon Keller – October 9-15th is Fire Prevention Week. Do something special for CRFD – Will have to table till board meeting, not covered at meeting
- Roughriders Hockey game with suite? – not covered at meeting. Will review at board meeting, will see if there is interest and reset for possibl agenda next meeting in october
- Seasonal Blue Zones potluck at Hy-Vee? Again, not discussed at meeting. Will table to next meeting
- Questions and concerns during meeting:
-Board Meeting next Monday at 6pm President George Heeren house 129 17th st. Will review with George as a tentative resignation by George has been made, may need to schedule elsewhere, consider Cleveland park if weather permits.
Karen Hindernach, Carleta Cherry, George Jaeger, Sheryl Ochs,
-Mention of ordering more activities for neighborhood gatherings by Karen.
- Adjourning of meeting