Remaining new pavement on the Chandler Street SW loop, from 20th Street to the water tower entrance, was substantially in place last week with some curbing work completed this week. Temporary pavement was also placed where new and old pavement meet and where sanitary sewer manholes were previously replaced. The temporary pavement will provide a hard surface for winter driving and maintenance.
Remaining 2021 work includes the following:
- Placement of concrete on 20th Street, where sewer manholes were adjusted, to match the new pavement surface.
- After the newly placed Chandler Street pavement has cured, residential driveways will be graded and paved. If weather conditions do not allow for permanent pavement, temporary pavement will be placed on driveways for over winter.
- Disturbed areas will be graded, then topsoil and sod will be placed. If weather conditions do not allow for permanent restoration this fall, the areas will be covered with sprayed mulch to reduce erosion during the winter.
- Permanent signage will be placed in completed areas to allow normal through traffic during the winter months.
Remaining construction on the Chandler Street loop, between the water tower entrance and the southern intersection of 20th Street SW (Jefferson High School entrance), will begin in spring when weather allows. This work will include removal of temporary pavements, water main replacement, service line replacement, and construction of new pavement.
CONTRACTOR - new contact
Pirc-Tobin Construction
Ryan Harter
(319) 842-2130
[email protected]
Eric Bahl
[email protected]
Lee Tippe
[email protected]