May 21, 2018
Central Church of Christ
Call to order: 7:00PM
CRPD calls for service Lt Tobey Harrison. Total calls up 6 for CANA (total last year 65, 71 this year), overall city down for year over 600 (5052 last year, 4423 this year). See Calls for Service here.
Note: couple of skimmers found at gas stations in town. Targets tend to be older stations (Kwik Shop, Fas Fuel ) with older pumps. Things to watch for, check card reader pull/tug on the card scanner to check if anything is slipped over it. Also, Check the seal tape (colored state stamped label with year) on the door of the pump for a break. If broken, do not use.
Summer Vacation tip: Be aware of your electronic footprint this summer, such as Posting on Facebook. If you post things that show you are not home, a criminal may note this and target your house. Be sure to be smart about posting, post
private secured to friends or post after you return home.
City update: New city parks director to start in July. New neighborhood finance person to be
set up to replace Ivan.
Treasurer’s Report: still at $710.52, group insurance due by 06/09/2018, will pay from account and submit for reimbursement. Also, George got Slab approved for the park so the city will place benches on the spot where the old wading pool was at Cleveland park. Check from city is in the account for the $2000 slab and will write check to concrete company when project complete.
New Business:
Upcoming pancake/omelet breakfast on June 30th – George update. Church of Christ 8-11am
Car show – George update July 7th car show 9am starts registration to 4pm
Neighborhood night out august 7 th Tuesday 6-8pm
Volunteers to put signs up to promote events
New concrete pads in park for benches – George update- city has reimbursed funds and we will pay when pad is completed, then city has donated the benches
History Happened Here signs – George update. Sign design is completed. George has made contact with businesses about sign placement. At this point, submitted the data back to city on placement and business contacts and signs should
hopefully they will be rolling out soon. 19 pedistasls rest of building of 23, potential of one more. George also as a couple of possible other new signs, one being a contact he made about soap box derby history for another sign in the park. In process of coordinating meeting to get information and video.
Butterfly garden this year ready for this year. Thank you Cheryl Ochs and others helping to keep that going. If anything is needed, please let George know or email us and we can submit a request or assist purchase .
Closing of meeting: 7:55PM
NEXT MEETING: Monday, June June 18, 2018 at Church of Christ at 7pm (Third Monday of the month)