Attendance: Lt. Welsh, Chief Smith, George Heeren, Nicole Schroeder, Amy Hall-Haney, Marlene Hunt, Jackie Maclaren, Kirsten Running-Marquardt, Denise Klemp
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - Current balance is $2,128.54 and includes reimbursement for laptop/live streaming equipment. We have one check for $166.00 out for our PO box that needs to be submitted for reimbursement.
CRPD Update - Lt. Welsh - Reminder to lock your vehicles as the weather improves. Lara and Ryder are the two new K9s with the CRPD. The 2021 CRPD report is 140+ pages and can be found on the CRPD website. CRPD new hires will be starting this fall, just in time for winter driving accidents.
- Marlene Hunt asked about a “race car” in the Chandler St SW area in the early morning hours. She asked if there were any reports. No reports that Lt. Welsh is aware of, no distinct vehicle description is available to report it to CRPD.
- George Heeren inquired about VeoRide scooters in the outskirts of Cedar Rapids. He had understood that these are meant to be nearer the Downtown Cedar Rapids area. Jeff Wozencraft would be a good contact to reach out to with any questions. If you see a scooter laying out that needs to be picked up, you can call 855-836-2256 for a pickup. Here is the link to the Veo scooter information and toward the bottom of the page in where and how you can report an issue: Cedar Rapids Micromobility Program
- CRFD Update - Chief Smith - Review of Neighborhood News. Stump grinding is active with at least two crews on the streets right now. City of CR Parks and Recreation just increased lifeguard pay from $10/hr to $15/hr to encourage applicants and be able to open all the pools this year. 5 new employees with CRFD started 5/2. There are a couple spots that will be opening this summer, due to retirements and resignations. Just a reminder that fireworks season is upon us. We will be seeing more fireworks stands this year with state legislation. Per Annette Lorenz with SAFE-CR, use of fireworks is a 22A violation. If a citizen were to be cited or advised by officers for setting off fireworks, that would be a violation of 22A.03.b.14 – Fireworks. If this occurred two times, the property could become a Nuisance Property.
Be aware of water safety and river safety. Cooking fires are the #1 cause for fires in the City, State, and Nationally.
- George Heeren asked about Eric, who is missing and thought to have drowned in the Cedar River. His vehicle was recovered. No other updates as of today, despite recovery efforts.
- Amy Hall-Haney inquired about the recovery at Cedar River Tower. Minor fire and tenants were not hurt.
- Denise Klemp shared “No Mow May” as neighbors across Iowa have been encouraged to allow grass to grow and help pollinators this springtime season.
- Kirsten Running-Marquardt - Linn County Supervisor candidate - Kirsten was raised at 1905 9th Ave SW, right here in CANA. State representative for the last 13 years. Her phone number is (319) 330-9899 to contact with any questions. Website is for more information.
- Paving for Progress Update - Chandler St SW Paving for Progress is active as of last week. Moving along swiftly with no rain so far. The 8th Ave SW Paving for Progress project starts in the next couple weeks. Additional construction in the area is limiting neighbors' access to Downtown Cedar Rapids. Nicole Schroeder will inquire to Jeff Wozencraft about the roundabout and other construction nearer the Downtown area.
Citizens Review Board - Reported to us on behalf of Councilwoman Ashley Vanorny - CRB meeting is 5/19 at 5:30pm and “Idea Wall” is open online for neighbors to share feedback and ideas to support Cedar Rapids citizens.
- FEEDBACK OPPORTUNITY: Visit the Cedar Rapids Citizen Review Board (CRB) Idea Wall to respond to the latest discussion topic:
- 2022 Safety & Wellness Fair at Cleveland Park - Scheduled for Saturday 7/16/22 from 10 am to 1pm. Rebranding as a “Community Safety & Wellness Fair” instead of just kids. We are aiming for additional sponsors this year and 20 booths. If anyone is interested in volunteering or joining our planning committee, please contact Nicole Schroeder to be added to the contact list.
Other Business
- Five gallon buckets are being reported stolen on 20th St SW. Please be aware as you put out your recycling or are watering trees.
Concerns in the 1500 block of 8th Ave SW reported by Leah Gass regarding parking near Cleveland Park being a problem for neighbors who need to back out of their driveways and also damage to yards from individuals walking through the grass. Jeff Wozencraft reported via email reply that the sidewalk gap on the south side of Cleveland Park is partially funded to be added as part of the Safe Routes to School project for Cleveland Elementary. Jeff is following up with the City Traffic team for any recommendations they have in regards to the parking concerns.
- Discussion of additional parking opportunities in Cleveland Park. George Heeren will share comments with City.
- Nicole Schroeder received a letter this afternoon from the City of Cedar Rapids regarding 40,000+ water meters that need to be replaced in the City. Nicole reported that she believes that hers was replaced in 2019, but was curious if other neighbors got the letter. Two other neighbors have received letters, but not recently. Latest letter may be regarding upgrade to meter that can be scanned/read remotely.
- Jackie Maclaren reported concerns with the commercial businesses that border the backside of her property on Chandler St SW. One business installed LED light structures that are causing bright lights to shine directly onto her and her neighbors properties. This is the third major property change that negatively impacted neighbors. The first being the removal of the bordering trees to remove any privacy of the business property towards residential neighbors, and the second solar panels that were installed. Nicole Schroeder asked that Jackie take photos of the concerns and she will share them with Councilwoman Vanorny to review City code and address concerns.
- Denise Klemp shared the Cedar Rapids Public Library hosted Zumbini for families with children under the age of 4. It is a dance class for parents and toddlers that was hosted at Cleveland Park. There were 17 children in attendance!
- Denise Klemp asked if we could update our CANA handouts for neighbors. Nicole Schroeder will be working with her on this.
- Denise Klemp is concerned about a pitbull that is allowed to run loose on her neighbors property. CR Animal Control reported that the City Ordinance allows for dogs to be loose on a private property. Denise would like to follow up on proposing changes. Nicole Schroeder advised Denise to connect with Annette Lorenz with SAFE-CR to get additional information on details of the City Ordinance and how changes can be proposed to the City council.
- The Cedar Rapids Municipal Band will be coming to Cleveland Elementary on July 6th, 2022 at 7:30pm.
- George Heeren shared that he has spoken with Parks and Recreation Department and Gaylon Heetland will be working with the Parks and Recreation Department to work on additional playground pieces.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Next Meeting: Monday, June 20th, 2022 at 7:00pm
Here's a link to the 8th Ave SW project
Here's a link to the downtown projects around the river.
Below are some images on the work being done on 1st ave related to the Ellis/6th St SW connection and here's the virtual presentation.
The roundabouts we would be at E and F avenues (NW) along Ellis Blvd.