Lt. Tobey Harrison discussed calls for service in the area. Neighbors raised concerns of the students that attend Jefferson High School and ongoing issues with speeding, students cutting through yards, loitering, students fighting, and smoking as well as some of the parents that have been dropping their kids off at the school not obeying the traffic laws. These concerns were placed in the “parking lot” for a future agenda issue. If you have concerns about Jefferson High School there will be a future meeting focusing on this and possibly meeting with the school resource officer and school officials likely in September before school starts back up. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Lt. Harrison at 286-5542.
Nic Roberts talked about the monthly city newsletter. The newsletter can be viewed from the link attached to this email.
Anne Russett, AICP Planner, Community Development Department City of Cedar Rapids – Historic Preservation Plan gave a presentation on historic preservation within our neighborhood. Here is the link for more information:
Cleveland Area Neighborhood Association is hoping to be a pilot site for a walking tour with GIS mapping and other historical information. This will hopefully eventually be a city wide project with us working collaboratively with other neighborhoods within the city and the Cedar Rapids Historical Society.
Colette Stocks talked about the upcoming Cleveland Area Neighborhood Day at the Cedar Rapids Kernels. This will take place on Sunday, June 28 th , at 2:05 pm.
Sheryl Ochs talked about the new butterfly garden that was recently placed on the 8 th Avenue side of Cleveland Park. She talked about getting registered as a Monarch Waystation nationally. Sheryl asked Nic Roberts about getting a spigot in the park for easier watering of the garden.
Shannon talked about the conference the Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference and the workshops that she attended. Shannon attended workshops that focused on urban gardening, grant writing, as well as GIS (Global Information System) and using this for a future historical walk. Nic Roberts also attended workshops focusing on social media and GIS using this to promote our neighborhood and events. Shannon, along with another representative from Oakhill Jackson will present their information they gathered at the September city meeting.
Dave Wallace from the City of Cedar Rapids, Public Works Department answered questions from neighbors regarding the sidewalk issues up on Chandler and 20 th . Mr. Wallace went through the history of the project with those in attendance. There will be a meeting specifically for Chandler and 20 th on June 16 th from 4:00-7:00 at Jefferson High School. A thank you to Mr. Wallace for coming to the meeting on his own time aside from the additional meeting that is taking place on the 16 th of June.
We had over 75 in attendance. What a great turnout! Hoping to see many more of you at future meetings! If you have concerns please feel free to email us at [email protected]