Attendance: George Heeren, Amy Hall-Haney, Lt. Welsh, Chief Smith, Annette Lorenz
- Treasurer’s Report - Amy Hall-Haney - $388.18 is available in our account as we had not been reimbursed for the $593.27 nor for the $1,094.09 that was recently sent into the city. Amy is waiting on an update from Jeff Wozencraft to get the status on this. Remaining funds from the FY22 budget will be applied towards the playground equipment additions. We got $30 in donations from the fair this past weekend. George will deposit this for us.
- CRPD Update - Lt. Welsh - Review City happenings. Not much happening in CANA limits. There was a shooting on the 1100 block of C Ave NW. Gentleman was shot in the leg. Reported as an isolated incident. Police Academy is in the 7th week and summer bike patrol is increasing. Reminder of National Night Out on 8/2 and Rollin’ Recmobile at Cleveland Park twice per week. CRPD now has a youth golfing program to match students with a CRPD officer to strengthen connection with youth in the community outside of schools. Reminder of civilian security camera footage program.
- CRFD Update - Chief Smith - Review Neighborhood News. Review Neighborhood PACT information on heat safety. Minimal number of firework incidents around the 4th of July this year. There were only five fires this year, but an additional eight dumpster fires that they are contributing to firework disposal. They are launching a CRFD Station Review Board to review, improve efficiencies at fire stations in the City, and determine if additional future fire stations are necessary.
- City Report/SAFE-CR - Annette Lorenz - No new nuisance properties in the CANA limits.
- George Heeren inquired about two properties on the NE side. Annette will investigate.
- Playground Equipment Additions - Gaylon Heetland - Not in attendance. George Heeren reported that additional pieces we ordered will be here in the coming weeks to be installed.
- National Night Out 2022 - George Heeren - Tuesday, August 2nd from 5:30 to 7pm at Cleveland Park. CANA will provide snacks (cookies) and bottled water at the pavilion. Neighbors are encouraged to join and bring a dish to share. Lt. Welsh will let CRPD know we’re participating this year. George will have Nicole advertise.
- Community Safety & Wellness Fair at Cleveland Park Wrap-Up - Great day! Photos have been posted on Facebook. We had 12 information stations and 150 attendees. We gave away over $3,000 worth of donated prizes with the helmets and car seats. We will be meeting as a planning committee in the next week to debrief and plan ahead for next year.
- Local Business Directory Fundraiser - Nicole Schroeder - Not in attendance. Will report at the next meeting. Looking to raise between $500-$1,000 again in 2022 for this project to help keep neighbors connected on our website to community businesses.
- New Postcard Campaign - Nicole Schroeder - Not in attendance. Will report at the next meeting. Looking to do monthly or quarterly postcard mailers to all neighbors to share resources and events in the community.
- Other Business
Meeting adjourned: 7:48pm
Next meeting: Monday, August 15th at 7:00pm