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CANA Meeting Minutes 7/19/21 | Call to Order: 7:03pm
Attendance: Nicole Schroeder, Amy Hall-Haney, Chief Smith, Amara Andrews, Sue Millar, Ashley Vanorny, Doug Wilson, Henrietta Mueller, Gaylon Heetland, Rose Heetland, Brandy Shoemaker, Marlene Hunt, Annette Lorenz, Lt. Welsh, George Heeren, Jeff Wozencraft
- We are live streaming our meeting tonight. It can be viewed live on Facebook or you can re-watch the meeting on our website tomorrow.
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - Current balance $515.66. Outstanding reimbursements from the City include the kiosk, the microphone, and yard signs. Requests for reimbursement were sent on 6/1, so reimbursements should be coming. Delay is likely due to the end of FY21.
- CRPD - Lt. Welsh - Report of Neighborhood happenings. 17 citations for fireworks. 7 recruits going through training with CRPD. Rollin’ Recmobile continues through 8/14. National Night Out reminder on 8/3.
CRFD - Chief Smith - Fireworks incidents have been keeping CRFD busy. Solon and Hiawatha have received assistance from CRFD for fireworks incidents. CRFD Open House on Sunday 10/3. More information will be coming soon. Planning for these types of public events have commenced since we are coming out of the pandemic. Heat safety review with handout.
- George Heeren shared a story about a fireworks injury he witnessed being handled at the UI hospital recently. He encourages neighbors to report fireworks in the area to reduce risks and keep neighbors and their properties safe.
SAFE-CR - Annette Lorenz - Calls for service are very low so concerns are very low. 13 violations were issued for “disturbing the peace” in addition to the fireworks calls that Lt. Welsh addressed. The two properties on the corner of 8th Ave SW and 15th St SW that were reported at our last meeting were cleaned up. Any future concerning properties were
- Nicole Schroeder commented on the two derecho damaged properties that we reported since the last meeting: one in the 2000 block of Chandler St SW and one in the 1200 block of 20th St SW. Both properties are being investigated for vacancy as well as derecho clean up with Kevin Ciabatti. The Chandler St property was at one point at risk for water turn off, but has since paid the bill so service is current.
Paving for Progress - Doug Wilson, Paving for Progress Program Manager, Public Works Department - Update on Chandler St SW project. Review of plan map for the work being done. We are currently in the Chandler St area near water tower drive. Project is going fairly well. Doug appreciates neighbors’ patience in the work interrupting daily driving. Mid-August to early September will be when 20th St SW is being paved, likely in two sections so neighbors do not have to walk. In mid to late September, the work in the Chandler loop will be done. The final portion of the loop between water tower drive and halfway down to Jefferson entrance will be done in October - November. All work is tentative with weather. Doug is hopeful to finish it this year even though it is a two year contract. The contractor is encouraged to get the work done in 2021. Sod can be installed in the winter months, if the ground isn’t frozen.
- Marlene Hunt commented on the notice from PIRC-TOBIN and Nicole Schroeder will be including that document again in the meeting minutes, and it has already been posted on our Facebook page and website. LINK TO REVIEW.
- Sue Graham had questions about the Chandler St SW loops on each side. One side of the loop will be reduced in width, but the other side will remain the same width. The City has extensively reviewed the neighborhood’s concerns, and this is a standard width that the City must maintain.
Questions have been received via email and Doug addressed those via reply below as well as at the meeting tonight:
- What is happening with the width of Chandler St. from the Water Tower Drive down to the end of Chandler (2200 Block)? The width of Chandler Street from the water tower driveway to the end of Chandler ( 2200 block) will remain the same width that it is today.
- Are ALL curbs on Chandler & 20th St. (from the 10th Ave. intersection) being TOTALLY replaced on BOTH sides of the street? The streets will be completely reconstructed, all curb on both sides will be replaced on Chandler Street and 20th Street.
- Will the entire street be concrete? Yes. Chandler Street and 20th Street in the area to be reconstructed have deteriorated to the point that they need to be completely replaced. The section of Chandler Street that has a new asphalt surface did not warrant complete reconstruction at this time. It is in good enough condition that we could extend the life of the pavement with an asphalt resurfacing.
- If neighbors need assistance during the temporary access restrictions, please contact Mitch Ramler at (563) 590-9109 or Nick Klostermann at (515) 402-8591 with PIRC-TOBIN Construction for immediate response.
- If neighbors have additional questions for Doug Wilson with Paving for Progress, please email Doug at [email protected].
- Candidate for Mayor - Please welcome Amara Andrews to our meeting. More information about Amara can be found on her website at or in the print materials here.
- City Council - Ashley Vanorny - Ashley commented about nuisance abatement properties. Nuisance properties deserve all opportunities to right their property concerns as it is the right of the homeowner. Ashley shared a story of a non-profit owned property that was affected by nuisance reports in another neighborhood. That parcel was corrected as risks were removed. The City Public Safety Meeting today reported that car thefts are increasing. Ashley wants to remind neighbors to NOT leave keys in vehicles or leave vehicles running. Reducing the opportunity for theft is very important. Ashley also reminded neighbors to check on each other. City is looking at reducing time for snow removal. They are encouraging neighbors to quickly remove snow on walkways, driveways, etc. and a volunteer program is being developed for neighbors to assist other neighbors with snow clean up. Linn County Public Health is asking for neighbors to complete the community health assessment online. Here is the link: Ashley also commented on the Local Option Sales Tax coming up on the November vote. August 10th is the anniversary of the derecho. There will be a city event in Bever Park from 10am to 12pm. Food trucks will be available on-site for lunch. Ashley had the opportunity to take her 3 year old niece to Cleveland Park and she tested each slide multiple times and gave us a thumbs up of approval.
City of Cedar Rapids - Jeff Wozencraft - Releaf program now has a community outreach coordinator that is helping communicate needs and assistance for neighbors. It is very dry, so please keep watering your new trees and bushes.
- George Heeren has been working with Jeff to install two canopies in Cleveland Park around the splash pad. The larger shade cover (about $4,000) will be installed in 2022 at no charge to us AFTER the concrete replacement around the playground next summer. City is also installing ADA-compliant benches in Cleveland Park.
- Kiosk Update - George Heeren - Installed and loaded with materials!
- National Night Out - Tuesday 8/3 at 5:30pm at Cleveland Park! CANA and friends at Central Church of Christ will host our annual National Night Out on Tuesday, August 3rd. We will be hosting the event from 5:30-7:00PM at Cleveland Park in the pavilion. CANA will provide snacks and bottled water. You are welcome to bring a dish or snack to share. Central Church of Christ will be providing crafts and table games for everyone to enjoy. Please share with your neighbors and friends! Anyone is welcome.
- Safety Fair Update - Scheduled for Saturday 8/14 from 10am to 1pm. $5 hot dog, chips, cookie, and water for lunch with proceeds benefiting CANA. HyVee is donating hotdogs and buns. We are receiving a discount on the other items. More booths this year and many will be directed towards wellness / social services for neighbors and families. McGruff will not be at the event, but we are planning on Sparky, Mr. Shucks, and Herky. Stewart Baxter Funeral Home is donating helmets. Jaycees are hosting a temporary tattoo station again.
- Rollin' Recmobile & Mobile Tech Lab - The Rollin' Recmobile will visit on Wednesdays from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Mobile Tech Lab with the Cedar Rapids Public Library will also be at Cleveland Park with Rollin' Recmobile on Wednesdays. Rollin' Recmobile is also at Cleveland Park on Saturdays from 2pm to 3pm. We have one month left of these stops as the summer program ends on 8/14. Last stop of the summer is the day of the Safety Fair!
- CANA logo and apparel - Do we want to look at redesigning our logo? Is anyone interested in getting CANA shirts or jackets made? We can look at screen printing or embroidery. Reach out to Nicole with ideas or requests for apparel.
- Nicole set up the first draft of the Business Listings / Directory on the CANA website. She will be reaching out to 38 businesses to start, but all ideas and local business contacts are welcome. Businesses do NOT have to be in our neighborhood to be a listing donor. So far, we have raised $75 out of our $2,000 goal.
- CR Public Library - George Heeren - CR Public Library is starting a new school program beginning in August. It is an “easy read” program to help jump start younger readers in the Cedar Rapids area. George will be sending information out in our upcoming emails and we will share the information on the park kiosk as well as our Facebook page. 2021 summer reading program is still going and it is built for children and adults! Audio books do count for summer reading minutes.
Other business:
- Brandy Shoemaker - Brandy is asking for the neighborhood’s support in her request for a stop sign heading north of 15th St SW. Yesterday morning around 6:15am was the fourth time that an accident happened on 15th St SW and damaged her vehicles. She has had five totaled vehicles in this same scenario. She has seen so many kids, including her own, playing in the yard and it is very risky with the high speed traffic despite it being a 25 mph zone. Lt. Welsh is going to look into this concern with the Traffic Division. Speed enforcement will need to coordinate with Traffic Engineering. Neighbors agreed that this is a major concern that needs to be addressed.
- Rose Heetland - In March, a garbage can was requested on the corner of 15th St SW / 8th Ave SW. George will contact Travis about this being dropped off at that corner. Rose also requested a sign in March be added to the park to ask neighbors to keep dogs off the playground equipment. George contacted the Parks Department about this before and he will follow up. Rose also asked about the mesh under the swings being reinstalled and mulched. George will follow up with these concerns as well.
- Nicole Schroeder - Denise Klemp is not here, but previously shared information of the free admission at Cedar Rapids Museum of Art through August.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.