-Lieutenant Toby Harrison police report: highlighted trend of increase of burglary and motor vehicle
theft. Lock doors, keep an eye out, and keep cars locked. Remove obstructions of view around window.
Noted trend of city, noted mostly unsecured doors. See attached scan.
-Treasurer’s report: current account balance 710.52 checking ($5.00 savings). One noted plan is to
obtain post office box for CANA mail. Discussion of new process of applying for work projects grants to
access funds up front project. An example, bench at Butterfly garden, apply for reimbursement (with
proof of contact bill) up front and city can approve payment check to us CANA city fund without having
to front from CANA checking account or private accounts and then reimburse later.
-Neighborhood History signs update: signs are in the process of being made, currently looking to start
process of getting permission of businesses and property owners to place signs. Cleveland Park “little
library” now open by Butterfly garden. Currently looking for donation of children’s/ young reader books.
Drop by and donate at Little Library. Mark Book as Cleveland Park Little Library.
-PTA was to meet with us, were unable to have representative with us tonight, we will have to
reschedule to later meeting. President is Cari Lamb and Treasurer Jennifer Hawkins. If you are
interesting in helping and assisting with the PTA, let us know and we can help coordinate contact with
them. We will be looking to potentially coordinate some upcoming events. Noted Cleveland PTA
upcoming events are: Movie night on Sept. 15th at Cleveland and Trunk or Treat event will be held
on October 27th.
-We had discussion of community outreach and how to best reach our area. Further discussion of ideas
including a neighborhood newsletter, mailers, door-to-door, working with other neighborhood groups
and from other towns to learn.
-September Coffee with a Cop is September 14th, 2017 at 9am to 11am. Mayoral Candidate Bradley Hart
was a guest at meeting. He is trying attending many of the neighborhood meetings to introduce himself,
share some information, and listen in to events and concerns of the neighborhood. Note: CANA is open
to all candidates to attend and we will be glad to have any of the other candidates attend and share as
well. He had contacted our association through the information on the city website.
-Mayoral Candidate Bradley Hart was a guest at meeting. He is trying attending many of the
neighborhood meetings to introduce himself. He did share some information about himself, and was
here listen in to events occurring in and concerns of the neighborhood. Note: CANA is open to all
candidates to attend and we will be glad to have any of the other candidates attend and share as well.
He had contacted our association through the information on the city website.
-Close of meeting 800pm.
**Next CANA meeting is slated for October 9, 2017 at 7pm in the Cleveland School Library.