Attendance: John Witt, Henrietta Mueller, Gaylon Heetland, Denise Klemp, Sue Graham, Jackie MacLaren, Susan Johnston, Amy Haney, George Heeren
Call to order: 7:02pm
- NO live streaming tonight to Facebook. We had an average of 11 active viewers on Facebook watching the live stream at our last meeting. As of today, our live stream video has about 90 total views. Technical difficulties led to some sound issues, but we are looking at getting a new microphone for virtual attendees to hear better and maybe setting up speakers for in-person attendees to hear our virtual presenters better next time.
- Treasurer's Report - Amy Hall-Haney - Current balance $939.93 with pending reimbursement of $125.00 for post office box - Just received checks for $400 for insurance in 2020 and $190 for tax prep in 2020 on 4/14/2021 from the City. Deposited on 4/15/21.
- CRFD - Chief Smith - Not in Attendance but review of Neighborhood News / Email updates
- “We have made job offers to nine candidates for firefighter openings. The anticipated start date is May 3rd, with an eight week academy then assigned to shift after completion. This will put us back at full staffing.
- Second, since it is spring and the weather is nice, people are enjoying their fire pits. We had two fires in yardy carts over the weekend, thankfully only minor damage from both of them, but we typically get a structure fire or two per year.”
- SAFE CR - Annette Lorenz - Not in Attendance - Annette has reported the property at 159 15th St SW for clean up and contact. Will get updates soon.
- City Council / Neighborhood Clean Up Day 4/17 Review - Councilwoman Ashley Vanorny - Thank you to everyone who attended, including our friends from the Kiwanis Club and Tiffany O’Donnell’s family! KCRG and Iowa’s News Now came out for videos, photos, and brief interviews.
- Safety Fair Update - Susan Johnston - Planning for July 2021. Denise makes a motion to contribute $1,000 of our current budget to assist with costs of the Safety Fair, Gaylon seconds. Discussion of 2019 expenses at about $1,000 and this year the Jaycees may not be able to participate, due to budget limits with their organization. All in favor, none opposed. Susan and George will be organizing a meeting with Shannon from the CRFD.
- Kwik Star Neighborhood Program Update - Gaylon Heetland - Kwik Star has a “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” program that Gaylon is getting information on to report to us at future meetings.
- Paving for Progress on 20th St SW / Chandler St SW - Project started today (4/19/21). Neighbors have received communication from PIRC TOBIN Construction, who is doing the work. We are doing regular updates on our website and Facebook page with information on this. Latest update from City: "Traffic impacts this summer will include lane reductions, intersection closures for utility work, phased full closures for pavement replacement, lane reductions on 16th Avenue for sidewalk work, and access maintained to high school during the school year. Initial work will include water main installation beginning at the 10th Avenue and Chandler Street intersection and progressing toward the hill, with a travel lane open. Residents will always have access either from 10th Avenue or 16th Avenue, depending on construction staging. When the school year ends in early June, the intersection of Chandler Street and 20th Street at the Jefferson High School entrance will be fully closed. All work in this area, including utilities and pavement construction, will then be completed so the school entrance can reopen in time for the 2021-2022 school year. Work at the 20th Street and 16th Avenue intersection will also be underway during this time. Residents will have access from 10th Avenue." Councilwoman Vanorny will be requesting a representative from PIRC TOBIN and City of Cedar Rapids to attend our May meeting to give us an update and discuss the street / traffic flow.
- Rollin' Recmobile will be running from June 7th through August 14th. It will be at Cleveland Park on Wednesdays from 4:3o-6:30pm and Saturdays from 2:00-3:00pm. We have Facebook events that have been publicly shared on our Facebook page.
- Tree Update in Cleveland and Haskell Parks - Denise Klemp - Reported that 40 to 48 trees will be installed on Arbor Day in Cleveland Park. No trees are scheduled to be installed at Haskell Park, but Denise is going to further investigate adding trees there once the bigger parks in Cedar Rapids are taken care of. Denise also discussed Williams Park as it is not in our neighborhood boundaries, but we could assist with this area as it’s so close to home. This may include picnic tables and a few trees.
- 16th Ave / 20th St SW Traffic Study - John Witt from the City of Cedar Rapids Traffic Division presented the report received and is over 200 pages. This traffic survey was reported during the school year and there was a 10-15 minute period of increased traffic at the beginning and end of the day, but since Kwik Star is not a “destination,” there are not major changes coming. They are installing a center / left turn lane from 20th St SW onto 16th Ave SW to help improve traffic flow.
- Nicole Schroeder is developing the contact plan for businesses in the neighborhood for website business listing fundraiser. Goal is 60 businesses with $3,000 in donations to support CANA.
- Nicole Schroeder has set up our website to be live for another two years at She has personally paid for this web address as a contribution to CANA.
- FY22 Work Plans are coming due - Any ideas for new projects? Projects so far will include Safety Fair, Neighborhood Night Out, Easter Egg Hunt, Movies in the Park, butterfly garden updates, general neighborhood beautification, and collaborative projects with Cleveland Elementary and Jefferson High School (if pandemic improves).
- Denise Klemp brought up the budgets for FY22 and suggested that we spend more money on food programs in CANA boundaries. Discussion was that we cannot donate money, but we contribute to food pantries, food programs, and the schools’ needs through a partnership as long as they are staying within our neighborhood. Gaylon Heetland and other neighbors in attendance supported this change in our budget planning.